JOTS Luxury Travel April 2013 Newsletter: Tips for unforgettable trips

A personal note from Ales!

Can you believe we are already more than one quarter through this ‘new year’? I have been very busy with preparing client’s trips to all parts of the world but Europe stands out for travel this summer.

I love designing customized trips to this continent and help you to create unforgettable memories. Having lived and traveled all over Europe, I understand how important first hand experiences of the different destinations, accommodations and attractions are in order to give the highest possible service and best advice when planning your itinerary.

After everything is planned and you are on your way to your dream vacation, there are a few things, which I’ll share in my ‘Feature Article’ below, you can do to make your trip a special one, an experience you’ll remember for a lifetime.

Feature Article

In this month’s newsletter I’ll share 3 of my personal tips to make each trip an unforgettable journey. These points will help you make your future journeys more transformative and life-changing experiences.

1. Look beyond the museums, art galleries and famous landmarks.

If you’re in a foreign country, isn’t it just as exciting to experience the present as it is to experience the past? It’s wonderful to see the local attractions but often we just focus on taking pictures of the sites to show our family and friends back home.

When we put our attention only on tourist attractions, we miss out on being there in the here and now, taking in the spirit and energy of the place and its people.

During some of my recent trips I purposely left my camera in the bag and just enjoyed the moment wherever I was. As it turns out – these moments are now my fondest memories, deeply grounded in my heart and soul.

2. Leave your judgment at home.

I was guilty of chronic comparing for many years, especially when I traveled to developing countries like the Philippines. During my first few trips I compared so much that I couldn’t wait to get back home. I believed that I could never live in a place where the streets weren’t clean, where people cooked their dinners outside on the sidewalk, and where children were playing next to a major highway.

However, during my last few trips to South East Asia, I went back with a new awareness allowing myself to be a part of how people lived and seeing everything with a non-judgmental mind. It was amazing how comfortable I felt being there and how much more respect I now have for people when I journey. We aren’t traveling to prove that we’re living better than others or that we have all the right answers. We travel to learn how others live and who they are, discover what they might teach us, and how they create their lives.

3. Immerse yourself in the culture.

It’s better to see one place well and choose your activities carefully than to become overwhelmed by trying to see everything that a city or country has to offer.

I understand that many people will only be able to visit a place once in their lifetime – but if you really want to have an experience you must immerse yourself in it rather than looking at it.

For example, to feel the love everyone talks about when visiting Paris, take an evening stroll along the Seine, and sit down in a small café in a side street where only the locals go and order a croissant and latte.

Yes, visit the Vatican in Rome or Sacre Coeur in Paris but leave time to get lost in the streets and allow yourself to flow into the richness of everyday life.

This will allow you to immerse yourself in the heartbeat of each city and country. I find that the old saying; “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” is excellent advice for having the perfect travel experience!

I hope that these few tips will make your journeys more experiential and amazing – who knows, your next trip might be the one that changes your life.

About Ales

I’ve been passionate about travel ever since I can remember. Having had the opportunity to travel all around the world for many years it’s my greatest desire to enrich peoples lives in a profound way by creating unforgettable journeys, and give each of my clients the amazing experiences I’ve had throughout my travels.

By allowing me to design your journeys, you can be assured that you will be taken care of from the moment we start planning your vacation until the moment you return. Contact me and let me know where you would like to go or let me help you find the destination that will give you the experience you are looking for.

May all your travels stir your soul and change your life forever – Ales.


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